What to expect when you visit
Our hall is on Heavitree Road, just up the hill from Pyramids Leisure Centre, and on the same side.
Visitors are welcomed inside by a doorkeeper and offered a Bible and hymn book.
Most meetings last no longer than an hour.
A friendly, family atmosphere prevails, and members tend to stay on and chat at the end of meetings. Any of our members would be happy to talk to you and answer questions you might have.
Chairs are set out facing the front table, where the president and speaker sit. The seating is normally set out for fifty which gives plenty of space for visitors in addition to members. In some meetings, female members might choose to wear a head covering.
Hymns are often sung as part of our services and we welcome extra voices.
Collections for our general expenses and various charities (both our own and others) are taken up at the Breaking of Bread service on Sunday mornings. Visitors are not expected to contribute and all our meetings are always free of charge.
Sunday morning Bible talks cover a wide range of subjects relating to the Gospel message of salvation in the Lord Jesus Christ, as well as prophecy concerning world events and matters of topical interest.
We have a cloakroom and toilet facilities including for the disabled. Wheelchair access is easy and there is a loop system for anyone with impaired hearing.